If $1 = "" I get an error, Help:-)

20 James D. Corder isolated at alix.UUCP
Tue Oct 2 03:30:34 AEST 1990

Mon Oct  1 13:20:32 EDT 1990

Hello NetPeople:-)

	I have a sh program that wants input at the command line.
However, I need an error out if the unser does not input at the command line.

if [ ${1} = "" ]
	echo "Please enter your option now."
	read $1
	echo "${1} was inputed at the command line"

However, this file will get the following error message.

jim: test: argument expected

How can I do this?

Thank you,
James D. Corder
alix!jdc at cis.ohio-state.edu

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