Unix Analytic Support Tools

Joseph Kim jkim at atr-19.hac.com
Wed Sep 12 07:44:10 AEST 1990

	I am looking for unix based math analysis tools that can provide 
the following functions:

	o	Generation of automatic line graphs, scatter plots, and 
		polar plots.  I am looking for such features as the super-
		position of plots, auto-scaling and data fitting, 
		displaying of data in either a linear or logarithmic 
		fashion along either axis, and driver support for digital 
		plotter and high resolution graphics.

	o	A Curve Fitting Toolbox consisting of least squares 
		polynomials, multi-linear regressions, parametric and 
		non-linear curve fitting, weighted least squares, 
		exponential and logarithmic fits, orthogonal polynomials,
		and cross-correlation.

	o	A Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Toolbox consisting of 
		data smoothing, differentiation and integration, peak detection, 
		convolutions, filtering and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) packages.

	o	A library of mathematical, graphics, and statistical 
		functions consisting of basic mathematical operators, 
		descriptive statistics, and array manipulation and control.

	I would appreciate any information on commercial off-the-shelf
products supporting such functions.

Jospeh Kim
Hughes Aircraft Company

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