Stripping a mail header

cs201402 cs201402 at
Tue Sep 25 08:46:33 AEST 1990

Hi all,

Gotta question on stripping mail headers.  I'm using elm as my mailer,
and I'm gonna have my students send me their projects via email.  I
was wondering if there is a sed command or some other Unix utility
that would help strip the header so I can have a script file
compile and run it for me.  Thanks in advance.

/*  Robert Allen Gottlieb               Internet: cs201402 at */
/*                                      Bitnet:   cs211123 at umbc1          */
/* "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me..."                           */
/*  These opinions herein are not that of UMBC, but that of Jr, my cat,   */
/*  and me.                                                               */

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