cron won't use my .login path definition

Steve Deal deal at eis.Kodak.COM
Thu Sep 13 02:14:47 AEST 1990


Environment: SunOS 4.0.3 on a Sun 3/260
Shell:	csh

I am trying to get cron to run a csh script that I have written. The script
requires my path (defined in my .login) and runs fine interactively.
However when cron tries to run it it does so using sh (ref. crontab(5)) and 
doesn't execute my .login or .cshrc so my path is never defined.

	How can I get cron to execute my .login (or .cshrc) and then run my
	csh script under csh instead of sh?

Thanks in advance,

Email replies to:
  | Steve Deal	 	| Internet: deal at Kodak.COM			    |
  | Eastman Kodak Co.	| UUCP:     ...rutgers!rit!kodak!eis!deal           |
  | Engr. Systems Div.	| Voice:    (716) 726 - 5396			    |
  | mailcode: 35108	| FAX:	    (716) 726 - 7406			    |
  | 901 Elmgrove Road	| 					       	    |
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