Which script (was Re: comp.unix.questions)

Chet Ramey chet at cwns1.CWRU.EDU
Tue Sep 25 06:51:13 AEST 1990

In article <MEISSNER.90Sep22142134 at osf.osf.org> meissner at osf.org (Michael Meissner) writes:

>I like bash's type -all feature, where you can find all occurances of
>a command in the PATH.

Bash's `type' command is very nice.  I have written shell functions
implementing ksh `whence', csh `which', 10th edition sh `whatis', and
regular bsh `type' using it, so everything else that's out there in
wide use can be implemented using it.

Chet Ramey				``Levi Stubbs' tears run down
Network Services Group			  his face...''
Case Western Reserve University	
chet at ins.CWRU.Edu		

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