How secure are shell scripts?

Mark Ferraretto mferrare at
Wed Sep 26 16:24:29 AEST 1990

I want to write a program that all of our users will be accessing and the 
program may be suid to root so that certain users may write to a writeprotected
directory.  At the moment the program is a shell script and I want to know if
this is less secure than writing C code.  Either way the program would have
the protection as 755 though there is no need for the users to read it.

Please mail responses to me and I'll summarise if there is enough interest.

       _             Name  : Mark Ferraretto
      \  \           Place : Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics
 ||     \  \                 University of Adelaide
==========>==>==--   Aarnet: mferrare at
 ||      /  /        Phone : +61 8 228 5428
       /_ /          Phax  : +61 8 224 0464

       _             Name  : Mark Ferraretto
      \  \           Place : Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics
 ||     \  \                 University of Adelaide
==========>==>==--   Aarnet: mferrare at

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