Disk and file system partitions question

Paul Moore moore at forty2.enet.dec.com
Tue Apr 9 20:12:02 AEST 1991

I've just initialised the 140 Mbyte hard disk on my ISC-based system, as

       DOS Partition
       UNIX Parition:

and then spent 4 hours copying software into the root and /usr file systems.
While loading the last piece of software into /usr, I got the message that
there wasn't enough space left in /usr. Definitely a case of Murphy's Law
raising its ugly head!

Without re-initialising the disk and re-loading the software already loaded:

1. Can I increase the size of /usr at the expense of /usr2?

2. Can I vary the realtive sizes of the DOS and UNIX partitions?

Thanks, PPM

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