I need to unset & reset TERM environment variable from .login

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at athena.mit.edu
Wed Apr 3 23:51:07 AEST 1991

In article <13825 at ccncsu.ColoState.EDU>, sutton at lamar.colostate.edu (Richard Sutton) writes:
|> Rather than manually doing a unsetenv TERM followed by a setenv TERM = vt100,
|> could anyone tell me how to have .login detect that TERM is vt102, then 
|> reset TERM to vt100? Please mention which FM if the answer is RTFM.

  It seems to me that you're asking for a simple if statement to test the
value of $TERM and change it if appropriate.

    if ("$TERM" == "vt102") then
      set term=vt100
      setenv TERM vt100

Note that the "setenv" is probably unnecessary, because the shell will
probably change TERM when you set term (mine does), but it doesn't hurt to do
it just in case.

  The M you should R is csh(1).

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710

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