UUCP Setup Problem

Thomas Wilkinson ersys!thomasw at nro.cs.athabascau.ca
Tue Apr 30 12:44:45 AEST 1991

I have been setting up a leaf UUCP site here (first attempt) and I have 
been having some problems getting it working properly. When my machine 
logs onto the other machine it negotiates properly until the other 
machine tries to move a file onto my machine at which point the error 
message comes up saying that it cannot create file<rdata> and the logon 
I have given as much permission to the other machine as I know how and 
the directories exist but not the specific file. Anybody know how to 
point me in the right direction. 

thomasw from Edmonton

Thomas Wilkinson             ersys!thomasw at nro.cs.athabascau.ca
Edmonton Remote Systems:  Serving Northern Alberta since 1982

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