Creating IBM Labeled Tapes

Steven M. List itkin at mrspoc.Transact.COM
Wed Apr 24 06:13:22 AEST 1991

williams at writes:

>Does anyone know of (or advise me on how to write) a tape utility that creates
>IBM labeled tapes in ebcdic?   I know that "dd" will convert my data from
>ascii to ebcdic but the what about the label format?

I've got a program I wrote a while back that creates these labels.  Since
the label(s) are separate files from the data, the program writes to a
file which can then be put on the tape (using the /dev/n... device) using
dd to do conversion.  If anyone wants the program, just let me know.

 :                Steven List @ Transact Software, Inc. :^>~                  :
 :           Chairman, Unify User Group of Northern California                :
 :                         itkin at Transact.COM                                 :

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