Unix makeuser program (or script)

Glenn M. Brunette brunette at sjuphil.uucp
Mon Jan 28 03:35:38 AEST 1991

    Where can I find the source for a PD makeuser program?  I have been trying
to locate one for some time, but have been unable to do so.  Has anyone
written one that they would be willing to distribute?  This program should
be able to be easily modified to work with NIS and Yellow Pages.  

Thanks in advance,

 Glenn Brunette,  Academic Computing Network Consultant      sssss
                                                           ss      jjjjjjj
 Addresses:                                                 ss       j
             brunette at sjuphil.UUCP                           ss     j  u    u
             brunette%sjuphil.sju.edu at RELAY.cs.net      sssss      j  u    u

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