
Richard Foulk richard at pegasus.com
Fri Jan 4 21:07:58 AEST 1991

>>Does anyone have information on this port?  I scanned the DDJ article (1/91)
>>and at the end it said that the port was done at the University of CA.  I
>>have heard rumors that it is available via ftp somewhere.  My question is,
>>if it is available via ftp, what does one need to legally obtain a copy
>>besides ftp access?  Thanks in advance!
>4.4BSD will support the 386 architecture (although peripheral support will
>be somewhat limited).  To get it you need a SOURCE license (read this as 
>lots of $$ unless you are a university).  To my knowledge there has been
>no announcements of a commercial distribution of a binary product.

The DDJ article said that the 4.3 port was functional, and they seemed
to say that it is now free of AT&T encumbrances.  They plan to make the
source available to the masses as soon as possible.

They promised a number of future articles in DDJ covering the nitty-gritty
details of the port.  This first article was pretty interesting.

Richard Foulk		richard at pegasus.com

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