Question :-)

Christopher M Mauritz cmm1 at
Tue Jan 29 08:53:27 AEST 1991

I've been looking for a public access unix machine in New York
City for ages, but I haven't really found one that is decent.
I've been toying with the idea of setting up my own uucp site
on some sort of unix box.  I'm looking for suggestions on a
decent setup.  Ideally, I would like to have 5 lines (at first)
and some sort of gateway to the rest of the world for email and
usenet traffic.  What would be a decent machine for a small
site like this?  I've been toying with the following:

Amiga 3000UX: 25mhz 68030 running unix System Vr4

386 clone:    probably clocked at 25 or 33 mhz and running some
              sort of unix port

MacIIsi:      20mhz 68030, but would I be stuck with (ack!) AUX?

NeXTStation:  68040 at 25mhz.  This sounds interesting.

SPARCstation:  :-)

As I'm still a student, I can get most things with a student 
discount.  Hopefully, I'd like to set up shop for $3-5K.  Is
this a reasonable amount?  Also, I'm comfortable with unix,
but I'm not sure how good I'd have to be with it to administer
this kind of site.  Could it be done under MS-DOS, MacOS, or
some other kinder and gentler platform?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.  My mailbox is eagerly
awaiting responses.



Chris Mauritz                 |D{r det finns en |l, finns
cmm1 at   |det en plan!
(c)All rights reserved.       |
Send flames to /dev/null      |

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