|STAT - Perlman

Brian Clark brian at psy.man.ac.uk
Wed Jun 5 01:00:15 AEST 1991

Reference the statistical package |STAT, author Gary Perlman,
does anyone know:
1. If the 3rd. edition, March 1987 is the most recent?
2. Where to obtain the MS-DOS (sorry) version?
3. The smail and email addresses of Gary Perlman?
Please email answers direct to me and I post a summary.
Many thanks,

R B Clark, Dept. of Psychology, The University, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.
TEL: +44 (0)61 275 2569            FAX: +44 (0)61 275 2588
JANET:brian at uk.ac.man.psy          INTERNET:brian at psy.man.ac.uk
              UUCP:brian%mupsy.ac.uk at ukc.uucp

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