Looking for bootpd source/help porting to SCO or ISC UNIX

Brian Litzinger brian at apt.bungi.com
Tue Mar 5 12:17:47 AEST 1991

Hi Folks,

I need to run bootp on my UNIX Servers running ISC 2.0.2 
or SCO 3.2.1 flavor UNIX.  I fetched the bootp source version
2.1 and ported to both platforms, and eventhough, both compile
without complaint neither work.

    When running bootp in -d -d -d -d -d mode:

	On the SCO platform:

	    It recognizes bootp requests from other machines,
	    but the replies never seem to make it.  tcp/ip
	    just counts up 'destination unreachable errors'

	On the ISC platform:

	    Similar plus the ioctl(s,SIOCARP,&arpreq) call returns
	    the error 'not owner', I assume of the stream s.
	    I have also heard the SOICGIFCONF request doesn't
	    work in ISC.  I also tried both using the strioctl
	    structure and I_STR.

Any help or pointers to source would be appreciated.  I've already called
SCO and ISC about this and they say I'm on my own.


<>  Brian Litzinger @ APT Technology Inc., San Jose, CA
<>  brian at apt.bungi.com      {apple,sun,pyramid}!daver!apt!brian

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