??? 7E1 on HP UNIX ???

Sergey Goldgaber sgoldgab at csws1.ic.sunysb.edu
Wed Mar 20 15:59:26 AEST 1991

I am trying to connect to my university UNIX system via a terminal set
to 1 stop-bit, even parity, and character size of 7.

The modem connects fine, and I have no problems unil I login.  Afterwards,
the system doesn't seem to accept certain standard characters ('d' for
example).  It does except certain others (such as 't').

I have tried playing around with 'stty', but nothing seems to help.

        Please, please, please, please, please help,

                     Sergey Goldgaber

                  sgoldgab at libserv1.ic.sunysb.edu

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