Using a vt220 clone with unix vi?

Blair P. Houghton bhoughto at
Sun Mar 10 07:55:28 AEST 1991

In article <1991Mar8.171343.825 at> cepek at writes:
>Taking this one step further, why not choose as your "unique sequence" the
>characters that the "VT220" puts out when you press the ESC key?  It likely
>puts out  <esc> [ 2 3 ~  (five characters) instead of the <esc> character
>you want.  I know nothing about vi, but wouldn't that do the trick?

Which brings up that on the VT220 the ESC key can send just
the ^[, but only when you set it up in VT100 mode.

I do

	map [23~ mz

in my .exrc.  This means that the ^[ gets taken as the escape,
then vi marks my current position as point z.  I never actually
do 'z or `z, but it's a convenient NOP.


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