<defunct> processes revisited

GarBear Irick irick at ei.ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Mar 18 23:26:47 AEST 1991

OK, here comes a followup to the last question!  I am using wait() now to
reap the defunct children, and it seems to work.  There is a small problem,
though...  when I use telnet to connect to the server, and the socket is
closed, telnet doesn't give me the "Connection closed by foreign host."
message.  IT just...  HANGS.  How do I close off the connection so that
telnet will recognize it has been shut down, and exit?

Gary A. Irick,  Purdue University | "You can log out any time you like,
INTERNET: irick at ei.ecn.purdue.edu |  But you can never leave!"
UUCP:     ...!pur-ee!irick        |       (apologies to The Eagles)

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