What is 'expect'

David N. Blank dnb at meshugge.media.mit.edu
Fri Nov 23 12:54:39 AEST 1990

> And with the reputation of Larry Wall, I trust the core features of
> Perl to ``do what it means'' at least as much as I trust a 4.3BSD awk,
> for instance.

Well, I don't know much about Mr. Wall's reputation (so that's why
people run away scared when they see him in a dark alley!), but I do
add one more thing to your list: just next door in comp.lang.perl,
Larry's presence is *constant* (pre-defined, beat you to the pun,
nyah), answering questions, taking bug reports and suggestions, making
recommendation on how to make the most of his tool and so on.  When
was the last time you saw Mr. Aho and his collegues here saying "Oh,
no, you meant to say 'print $x', not 'sprint $x' here.  And BTW,
saying 'print <blah>' runs faster than 'print <bleh>'?"

P.S. no I'm not a perl groupie, and no this was not a paid endorsement
by the Larry Wall for Netgod Committee. 

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