tcsh binding of function keys

Jak Kirman jak at
Fri Nov 9 04:25:27 AEST 1990

It appears to be an error in the documentation.  The clue is in the
output from bind, where the arrow keys are listed as "F-A", "F-B", etc;
they generate the sequences ^[[A, ^[B, etc.

My F9 key generates ^[[20~, so I tried:

        > bind downcase-word F-20~

This worked fine.

It seems that bind X-<?> is equivalent to bind ^X<?>; it just binds the
keystrokes prefixed by ctrl-x.

                                Jak                            jak at
The middle of the road is all of the usable surface.  The extremes,
right and left, are in the gutters.
                                                    -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

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