pipes within a script

Paul John Falstad pfalstad at spot.Princeton.EDU
Thu Oct 4 00:48:06 AEST 1990

In article <3022 at idunno.Princeton.EDU> I write:
>set nonomatch
>echo {~/tex/,~/tax/,~/foo/}*.{aux,dvi,log,toc} | grep -v \\\* | xargs rm
>set nonomatch
>rm `echo { ... } | grep -v \\\*`

Oops, that's not all necessary.

rm {~/tex,~/tax,~/foo}/*.{aux,dvi,log,toc}

Someone pointed that out to me in email.  I thought csh would give a
'no match' if you did "ls *.c *.aosfdji" if it found some .c files but no
.aosfdji files.

If this is all the original poster wanted to do, this is much better
than the sh script.  I thought it was just an example.

(csh programming still sucks though)

Here is the address to complain to:
pfalstad at phoenix.princeton.edu PLink:HYPNOS GEnie:P.FALSTAD CIS: 70016,1355
That address again,
sync at thumper.princeton.edu PLink:OHS738 GEnie:OHS738 CIS: 4128 143 1234 937

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