Shell scripts from smail/sendmail - strange behavior

Clay Luther cluther at
Thu Oct 11 06:08:03 AEST 1990

I posted something earlier about a script running from a smail/sendmail alias 
(as root) being unable to move files into unwritable directories.  This is
a follow-up post.

Well, it turns out that we have some wierd behavior going on here, possibly
with smail.  I don't know and everyone here is scratching their heads.


I have a script that expects to receive formatted files from stdin.  This
script is owned by root.  The script is attached to a smail/sendmail alias
like so:


so that when mail receives mail for foo at bar, the program is invoked
with the mail data as input.  OK fine.

Here's the weird part.  The program is being invoked *not* as root,
but as cluther, my user account!!!

Aha! I said, I forgot to make owned by root.  Uh, nope, is owned
by root.

Aha! I said, smail must be running as cluther!  Wild quess region here.  Smail
is and always has been a root id program.

I even went so far to check all the smail config and source files for cluther.

Aha! I said, maybe there is some "strange" interaction between smail and the
aliases file.  Since cluther appears generously throughout it, maybe, just
maybe...Again, this is voodooville, but hey, at I get points for initiative.
Nope, it was not the alias file/smail interaction, as far as I could tell.

Some facts:

Yes, I did write the shell program as cluther, but it current owner and 
current group is root.

No, I don't think I ever compiled smail as cluther, or the alias files as 
cluther.  Although, if this is relevant, I received my original sources in
my cluther account.  Smail was compiled by root.

We are running CTIX/386, SysVr3

Other strangeness:

I create a new script,, by vi'ing as root, reading in the
old script, and saving the file *as root*.  Then chmod +x and switched the foo
alias to point to instead of

Guess was invoke as a cluther id program when smail invoked 
the foo alias.  Wonder years.

Well, that's all I can think of.  Hopefully somebody can provide some answers.
Clay Luther, Postmaster          cluther at 
  postmaster at   clay.luther at
  Harris Adacom Corporation      MS 23, PO Box 809022, Dallas, Tx 75380-9022
  214/386-2356                   Your mileage may vary.  Void where prohibited.

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