Output redirection

Blair P. Houghton bhoughto at cmdnfs.intel.com
Sat Oct 20 02:28:51 AEST 1990

In article <15479 at hydra.gatech.EDU> gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU (Jim Burns) writes:
>in article <3447 at idunno.Princeton.EDU>, pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul John Falstad) adds:
>> 	setlinebuf(stdout);  /* this should fix it */
>to Abhay B. Joshi's c code. Let's assume a situation where you don't have
>the source code. How would you synchronize output only thru shell

You wouldn't.  The shell has no control over buffering
done by binary executables.  setlinebuf() in the c code
is more certain.  Abhay apparently thought the newlines
would force a buffer-flushing; setlinebuf() fixed the
program to fit that concept.

If you want the output completely unbuffered (which hogs CPU
and I/O resources if you are using it with functions that
write more than one char at a time) use setbuf(stdout,NULL)
and setbuf(stderr,NULL).


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