ksh 11/16/88e now available in AT&T Toolchest

RANDY S WELCH rwelch at diana.cair.du.edu
Mon Oct 22 15:30:58 AEST 1990

   What I read was the bash documentation. The features that I saw
   described made me think more of the C shell than the Bourne Shell. I
   admit to having been puzzled by the apparent contradiction between the
   name and the features. Having been originally eager to port BASH to my
   machine, I lost interest after my initial examination of the
   documentation mentioned above.
   David Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805, (219) 482-9631

>From a purely user stand point bash does somewhat look like csh ( ksh
looking is much closer to the truth... )

Programming wise, sh/ksh.  I should know, all our scripts at our site are

Randy Welch   Mail to :  ...!ncar!scicom!bldr!randy or rwelch at du.edu
Boulder, CO   VOICE   :  303-442-6717
"Unfortunately, life contains an unavoidable element of unpredictability"
-David Lynch "The Angriest Dog in the World"

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