restricted shell sought

Chan Wilson [Animal] cwilson at NISC.SRI.COM
Thu Apr 25 06:57:30 AEST 1991

Howdy all:

I would have thought this would have been coved long since, but I
haven`t been able to find any mention of any type of restricted shell
for non-SYSV machines.  Basically what i'm looking for is a shell that
will only allow the user to access a specific subset of commands, and
not progress upwards beyond a certain point in the directory tree.

Now, I >can< go and hack my csh source, but i'd be more inclined to
see if anyone else has come up with something already.

It's amusing to note that while the ARCHIE server knows about resh, a
restricted shell, there are no pointers to such a beastie, and
searches for resh, restricted, and shell come up with little leads...

Sigh.  Help, please?

Chan Wilson                                  Chief Hard-Question Answer Person
SRI Intl. Network Information Systems Center
333 Ravenswood Ave., EJ287			Internet: cwilson at
Menlo Park, CA., 94025				Phone: (415)859-4492

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