Why does this work?

Lee Phillips phillips at CMSUN.NRL.NAVY.MIL
Tue Feb 5 08:03:01 AEST 1991

I can do an automated FTP transfer of a list of files by including the
appropriate list of commands in a file, called f, and typing (in csh)
ftp remotehost < f.
FTP then prompts me for my password before reading the commands from
f (my username is in the .netrc file, but not my password).  This is 
just what I want, but why does it work?  How does FTP know not to
look in f for my password?  

                                           Lee Phillips
                                           phillips at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
                                           phillips at fozzie.nrl.navy.mil
                                           phillips at lcp.nrl.navy.mil

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