does a zgrep exist? (zgrep <> zcat | grep)

Ronald S H Khoo ronald at
Thu Feb 21 18:46:47 AEST 1991

lucrezi at (Gino Lucrezi) writes:

> In article <DANJ1.91Feb15162042 at cbnewse.ATT.COM>, Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM writes:
> > Following this trend you'll have a z<everything> ... sort of like
> > r<everything> (rsh, rcp ...).  

Sounds like a call for a filesystem type which supports compressed
files internally is required, + a new flag bit in st_mode to say
that a file should be compressed by the filesystem code if possible.

Of course, since compression shouldn't be in the kernel, your OS should
support User Mode filesystems ....

BSD 4.5 anyone ? :-)

--> Followup-To: comp.unix.wishful.thinking

> Why rule out some nifty programs such as zsh, which allows the user to type
> compressed commands (damn useful on those slow lines).

Naa, that's just Yet Another TELNET Option, which I would suggest only
to take effect if telnet's in line mode.

--> Followup-To: comp.protocols.tcp-ip

> And of course there are still zcc, zgetty or /dev/znull...

The latter gives me an idea, why not /dev/z/* as an excuse to put
compression into the kernel and really annoy one or two people in this
newsgroup ?
Ronald Khoo <ronald at> +44 81 991 1142 (O) +44 71 229 7741 (H)

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