ksh prompt

Marien de Clercq clercqm at nijmeg
Wed Mar 13 04:04:08 AEST 1991

noraa at cbnewsk.cb.att.com (aaron.l.hoffmeyer) writes:

>Thanks to Ihor Kinal, I've set PS1 so that it prints in reverse video on
>my terminal.  This is what I have in my .profile:

>           export RMSO=`tput rmso`
>           export SMSO=`tput smso`
>           export PS1='${SMSO}${SYSNAME} ${PWD#HOME/}-> ${RMSO} '

I don't know if you use the environment variables RMSO and SMSO again at 
other places, but if you don't, why bother defining them if you could the 
same with:

           PS1=`tput smso`'${SYSNAME} ${PWD#HOME/}-> '`tput rmso`

(I don't know why you should export PS1, I never did)


Marien de Clercq

Intergraph European Mfg. bv.
Nijmegen - The Netherlands

Mail: (..!)uunet!ingr!nijmeg!m_clercq

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