What's wrong with this sh script ?

Jun Lu luj at gus17.ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Mar 25 10:42:44 AEST 1991

The following attached script can be executed by typing its file 
name(say test.sh) w/ no problem. "sh -x test.sh" also works OK.
But if I try to use the "at -s <time> test.sh", the problem arises.
I got the output(mail) like this:
Your "at" job "7148" produced the following output:

gus ...  10:56pm  up 2 days,  5:05,  1 user,  load average: 5.82, 6.24, 6.34

But where is the output for 2nd machine ?

By the way the other day /bin/sh reported a syntax error(from within at), 
complaining "unexpected end of file", even though "sh -x test.sh" 
worked fine. I thought there might be some hidden char in the file, so
I manually retyped the script using vi(not emacs). This time I got the
above "truncated" output.(Admittedly, I got other various complaints
from at during debugging,  complaining /bin/sh encountered some 
syntax/parsing error. But I really can not reproduce them now.
 I also jsut rebooted "my" sun3/60 with a 'k2" ...)

Can you guru out there tell me what is wrong(sh problem, rsh problem
at problem, or my problem) ?  I'm running under Sun3/60(and Sparc) with
SunOS4.0.x.  Thanks in advance.

--------- script(devised to illustrate the problem) ---
#! /bin/sh
# NOTE: The intent of this script is NOT to test if the remote machine
# is died; rather it is used to  to illustrtate the problem
export PATH

echo -n "$HOST ..."
if rsh -l $USER $HOST uptime
    echo OK
    echo died

echo -n "$HOST ..."
if rsh -l $USER $HOST uptime
    echo OK
    echo died
--------------- end of the script --------------

-- Jun Lu                          Internet:luj at ecn.purdue.edu          --
-- Aeronautics & Astronautics      Bitnet:  luj%ecn.purdue.edu at purccvm  --
-- Purdue University               UUCP:    pur-ee!luj                  -- 
-- W. Lafayette, IN 47907          Phone:317-494-9410  Fax:317-494-0307 --

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