Variables and keybinding in bash

Chet Ramey chet at odin.INS.CWRU.Edu
Fri May 31 23:23:23 AEST 1991

$ Thanks to those helpful folks who recently pointed me at bash 1.05.
$ I now have the thing successfully installed under Interactive 386/ix 2.0.2.
$ (with only a moderate amount of cursing)

You should get bash-1.08 and the accompanying patch #1 from
The improvement over 1.05 is astonishing.

$                                  -e 's/${userid}/^[[36m${userid}^[[0m/'
$                                  -e 's/${todaydate}/^[[33m${todaydate}^[[0m/' "

Variable substitution does not occur between single quotes in all Bourne-
style shells.  The variables would be expanded if you used double quotes,
but I'm not sure that wouldn't break something else.

$ 2)  How is it possible to rebind the bash line-editing keys to be those my 
$     (unconfigurable) console produces?  ie VT100-type sequences like 
$     ^[[A for up and ^[[B for down etc.
$     Things like :
$       Control-[[A:   previous-history         , or
$       Meta-[A:       previous-history
$     in my .inputrc aren't working.

I think they will work with 1.08.

                    ``You shoot John Sununu.  Twice.''

Chet Ramey			  Internet: chet at po.CWRU.Edu
Case Western Reserve University	  NeXT Mail: chet at macbeth.INS.CWRU.Edu

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