tail of a path in Bourne

afsipmh at cidsv01.cid.aes.doe.CA afsipmh at cidsv01.cid.aes.doe.CA
Mon May 13 23:05:24 AEST 1991

In the C shell if you have a variable z=/a/b/c/d then scho $z:t
will give you just d.
Is there something equally as trivial in the Bourne shell?
Basically I want to be able to get the name of a script out
of $0 without the path. This surely is a wheel that has already
been invented.
Pat Hertel                 Canadian Meteorological Centre
Analyst/Programmer         2121 N. Service Rd.        
phertel at cmc.aes.doe.ca     Dorval,Quebec             
Environment Canada         CANADA           H9P1J3

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