zsh: job table full

Peter Peters pp at wsinti01.info.win.tue.nl
Thu May 30 21:31:40 AEST 1991

I recently started exploring the possibilities of the z-shell (zsh) and
so far it looks great.

Upto now I encountered two problems.

1 - When using open windows the window that is assigned as console
    acts weird ! It looks as if I have to type all characters twice
    to have it recognize anything. Furthermore the ">" prompt keeps
    popping up after every command I give. I use the "normal"
    open windows shelltool as a console window....

2 - I get error messages on invokation of certain commands. Some
    commands do it all the time (giving the error message i.e.),
    other commands do it once in a while. I really don't know
    what is going on !
    One of the commands that always generates the error message is
    "mkdir". The error message is :

		"zsh: job table full"

Anybody care to shed some light on these matters.

| Peter Peters                              | UUCP  : pp at win.tue.nl     |
| Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)  | PHONE : +31-(0)40-474120  |
| Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science | TUE   : HG 8.82 / 4120    |
| Disclaimer : I said WHAT ???              | VHF   : pa0ppe            |
| Peter Peters                              | UUCP  : pp at win.tue.nl     |
| Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)  | PHONE : +31-(0)40-474120  |
| Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science | TUE   : HG 8.82 / 4120    |
| Disclaimer : I said WHAT ???              | VHF   : pa0ppe            |

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