SCO's C2 came to the rescue!!!

brian douglass personal account brian at edat.UUCP
Sun Dec 16 16:40:16 AEST 1990

>As quoted from <36 at unigold.UUCP> by lance at unigold.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse):
>| I am sick and tired of hearing everyone say SCO's C2
>| is not worth anything... Here is an example of someplace
>| it *DID* help...
>| One day I tried to call in from home and found the terminal
>| line Disabled by the C2 security.. This seemed odd..
>| So I looked into it and then enabled it again.

[deleted stuff from other about a leap of faith]

My system was also locking up unexplainably every day.  Turned
on the audit control system and found out that a uucp account from 
another system that calls in had expired.  Issued a new password
and had the other site change their Systems entry, everything was great!

The real problem was that the audit control file chewed 24MB in
just one day of low load use.  I very quickly turned it off.

Since NIST recommends that all government purchased systems be at
least C2 level, and the government bought nearly $2 Billion worth 
of Unix products last year, I thank most of this security wrangling
comes down to a sales issue for SCO.  Yes they are listening the
complaints, but their minds are made up and C2 is here to stay.

Brian Douglass			brian at edat.uucp

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