Need recommendation: SCO vs IX vs DELL

Steve Enzer stenzer at
Sat Dec 15 11:30:33 AEST 1990

Hi -

	I need recommendations for selecting a unix for my application:

	I need to run a multi-user bbs for tech support.  I will probably use
Citadel, and something like a Hub-6 on a 33 Mhz 386, because they are so

	I would like to buy SCO, but I think the price is far too high, especially
since they unbundle the C compiler and X.

	What about IX? Is it still $99 including CC?  How much is X? What about

	What have people's responses been with these systems, either running
massive dial-ins, or running X? (We would like to go with one UNIX in house)

	In my opinion, it's almost cheaper to get a sun and get the OS free,
than to get a cheap 386 and pay through the nose for software.


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