Trailing i's in finger(1)'s output ISC 2.2

Heimir Thor Sverrisson heimir at
Wed Nov 21 11:58:36 AEST 1990

Does anyone know how to turn off the trailing i's in the output of finger?
I'm running Interactive Unix 2.2 with Interactive TCP/IP 1.2.0 and when
I finger a machine with 'finger @machine' or 'finger user at machine'
(including my local host) all lines are end with the character 'i' as:

$ finger @hafro
Login       Name              TTY Idle    When    Wherei
kristinn Kristinn Gudmundsson  co   1d Mon 10:07 i
runa     Gudrun Marteinsdotti  p0  14: Wed 12:30  haflidi:0.0         i
gunnaro  Gunnar Orvarsson      p1  11d Fri 15:13  gst:0.0             i

This happens for all remote machines I've tried, including Sun 3, Sun 4,
hp-ux and ISC 2.2.  The local commands 'finger' and 'finger user' work fine.

Does anyone know if this is really such a silly bug or if it is something
I've missed in TFM?

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