Need Help with sysv386 uucp mailer

Hector Mandel mandel at
Fri Nov 2 04:20:44 AEST 1990

 I am posting this here in the hope that someone out there will know the
answer or at least be able to lead me in the right direction.  I am running
ATT Sys V 3.2.2 on a 386 clone w/ a Micom/Interlan NP622A for TCP/IP 
connection.  I have everything set up O.K. for mailx to handle mail through
my TCP/IP link.  HOWEVER, when I try to send to a UUCP host via modem, I 
get an error message that says that "No mailer accepted <hostname> as a valid
name."  I have done everything the docs say to do in the Systems and 
Permissions files, and even used FACE to set up the remote UUCP host as a 
system to send/receive mail via modem.  Is it not possible to set up SysV
to do both TCP/IP and UUCP(modem) mail?  I apologize in advance for my 
abysmal ignorance about UNIX system administration -- I just started figuring
this thing out a couple of months ago and still have a long way to go.

I would greatly appreciate any hints.  Thanks.

send e-mail replies to mandel at
mandel at

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