486 EISA/Graphics Engines/ISC2.2 (not real long)

jim rybacki jimr at umbc5.umbc.edu
Thu Mar 14 00:42:58 AEST 1991

Good Day,

	I'm looking for some information on the use of some of the more
powerful graphics engines :

	 Microfield Graphics Card  (V8) -  Matrox  
	 Sigma Designs ,   etc.

	in 486/33 EISA boxes/motherboards :
			- ALR boxes ( PowerVisa in particular)
			- Mylex Motherboards
			- etc.
	Running ISC2.2  (Adaptec 1542B or WD7000 Fasst Scsi)    w/X11R3
	Trial and error is getting old in a hurry, the problem i've been
running into seems to be VGA emulation (maybe hardware scroll) while the
systems is booting or software is being installed (scsi drive hangs and it 
dies). Anyone else having problems, a solution, an idea , a config. that works ?

	Please email responses to jimr at umbc3.umbc.edu, i'll summarize to
the net in a couple of weeks if I think it will save some netters a headache. 
			Thanks in advance
echo "Just a guest at umbc"; echo "Disclaimer: These are my thoughts only!"
                          jimr at umbc3.umbc.edu

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