BNews & CNews Under SCO Unix (Responses & Thanks.....)

William Wonneberger wberger at
Fri May 10 03:44:09 AEST 1991

My thanks to everyone who helped out on my original query for 
BNews & CNews under SCO Unix.  As promised, here are the replies 
I received for both, with some notes added where needed:

On BNews:

>From: Michael Squires <mikes at>

>Bnews is available from SCO as a two-disk SLS that installs under custom.

>I'm looking for information on Cnews.

>From: System Operator <sysop at mixcom.COM> (Dean Roth)

>You can get it directly from SCO. You can call the SLS line
>and download it yourself via UUCP.

Thanks to Michael and Dean.  I ftp'ed the SLS for BNews from
[].  Under the sco-archive directory is a tree that holds most
(if not, all of...) the SLS packages.  unx194.v1.Z and unx194.v2.Z are the
compressed tar files of the BNews binaries (sans source...), and unx194.ltr 
is a tar of the BNews Documentation.

With regards to CNews:

>From: Robert Sexton <lunatix!robert> lunatix! 

>I cannot speak for Bnews, but Cnews compliles just fine unde SCO.
>Just be sure that dbz is compiled w/o the optimizer.  you will have to
>fix spacefor, but everybody does.  Otherwise, no special treatment

The notes here on CNews will be helpful, since I also pulled down the 
source for CNews from uunet as well.  

Once again, my sincerest thanks to Robert, Michael, and Dean for 
their help.

Bill Wonneberger
Internet: wberger at
UUCP: ...{oliveb, isc-br, yale, philabs}!bunker!wberger

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