ESIX and use of tty01

Daniel Senie dts at peanut.UUCP
Fri May 31 23:50:17 AEST 1991

I think someone might want to audit the ESIX prompts and messages before
shipping the product. The following warning comes up when starting initasy:

WARNING:  This program only allow youto keep the PREVIOUS asy setup
          but the ORIGINAL one. (ex. space.c save as

Now I'm sure the engineer who wrote this is a fine engineer, but it is
important to have someone with FULL control of the english language
verify anything which will be displayed as text to the user.

I must say I'm not entirely sure what the warning really means. Some copy
of space.c will be saved off, I suspect, but the wording of the "sentence"
makes it difficult to know which...

Daniel Senie               UUCP: uunet!lectroid!peanut!dts
Daniel Senie Consulting    ARPA: peanut!dts at
48 Elm Street              CSRV: 74176,1347
Clinton, MA 01510          TEL.: 508 - 365 - 5352

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