Using cu with rz/sz? Can't be done?

Barnacle Wes wes at
Fri May 31 04:23:22 AEST 1991

In article <1991May15.221705.26920 at unixland.uucp>, bill at unixland.uucp (Bill Heiser) writes:
% I use pcomm occasionally on my Esix (sysvr3) system.  It's OK, but
% not quite like the DOS Procomm it emulates (not nearly as snappy).
% I also use it to configure modems...  but it's a paain because it
% changes register settings during the init.  I guess I could set up
% a modem setting line without anything on it, or maybe an at Z...
% What do the rest of you use for easy communications with your modems
% for setting registers, etc?

C-kermit.  It's the only software I have under unix that will let you
just connect to a port and talk to whatever is plugged in.  A nice thing
to have.

	Wes Peters
#include <std/disclaimer.h>                               The worst day sailing
My opinions, your screen.                                   is much better than
Raxco had nothing to do with this!                        the best day at work.
     Wes Peters:  wes at   ...!sun!unislc!harem!wes

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