Contents /usr/lib/lpdfilters

zemon at felix.UUCP zemon at felix.UUCP
Thu Apr 14 09:51:24 AEST 1988

[ Hot from the keyboard of our under-cover investigative reporters (i.e.,
  from another source who has shy managers).  Enjoy.    -- Art Z. ]

Here is  a detailed list of all the filters in the /usr/lib/lpdfilters:

	fcvt		Filter to convert SAIL font format to U*ix
			font format

	lcg01of		LCG01 (formerly LCP01) Color printing System filter

	lcg01sw.dat	LCG01 Data Load file

	lj250of		LJ250 Color Writer/ Companion Color Printer Filter

	ln01of		LN01 filter (handles nroff output)

	ln01pp		print filter for print function "pr"	
			Adjusts page size (ln01 dependent) and
			calls /bin/pr (remember the "pp" entry in printcap)

	ln03of		ln03 (S) laser print filter
			(handles nroff and X dumps)

	lpf		General purpose LAxx filter (generic filter)

	lqf		Letter Quality filter (Specifically supports LQP02
			but also handles any DEC impact letter printer)

	necf		I think this is a filter for NEC printers

	rotate		Rotate a Varian/Versatec font

	rotprt		Print a rotated font

	rvsort, vsort	sort the troff output for Versatec to reduce
			amount of reverse leading. The r prefix one
			is slightly modified for rotated printing

	rvcat, vcat	cat simulator for versatec and varian

	vdmp		reads raster file created by cifplot (remember -c
			option to lpr OR cf entry in printcap) and dumps it
			onto a varian or versatec plotter

	vfontinfo	Just font information for Vcat-style fonts

	vfw		checks values for troff width table

	vpf, vpfW	Varian, versatec print filter

	vplotf		Filter to handle graphics input (OR output of graph(1)
			program) and produces plot output for Varian/Versatec
			PS: remember -g output to lpr OR gf entry in printcap

	vpltdmp		reads raster file and dumps plot output for Varian
			Versatec. -v option to lpr.

	vpsf, vpsfW		It is a print filter to handle wide listings by
			placing paper side by side

	vwidth		Creates a width table from troff from a versatec font
			for a normal font

	xf		Transparent filter (used by the -x option of lpr)
			say when you want to send LN03 format file to an
			LN03 uniterpreted.

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