"Offical Business" from Digital NEWS

Alan Crosswell alan at cunixc.cc.columbia.edu
Tue Apr 25 06:29:57 AEST 1989

I and several other people in my office have recently received junk mail
from Digital NEWS, The Newspaper for VAX Buyers, which has a very misleading
label on the outside of the envelope:  

(Some sort of offical-looking bald eagle logo with the initials NCAC across it)
IMPORTANT: Audit material enclosed

The return address, on the back of the envelope, is:

National Transmission Center
2400 W. Altorfer, Peoria IL 61615

I take offense at receiving junk mail that is dressed up to look like
offical US government business.  So does the US Postal Service.  If
you do too, and have received this junk mail, contact your local US
Postal Service Inspection Services office and they will mail you a
complaint form.

Alan Crosswell
Center for Computing Activities
Columbia University

PS: Flames to /dev/null or me personally if you must -- I don't want
    to clutter these newsgroups any more than I already have.
    Apologies in advance to those who don't care -- that's what the
    "j" key is for.

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