DS3100: buggy cc

Jonas Nygren jonasn at ttds.UUCP
Sat Jun 3 12:25:59 AEST 1989

I have seen no comments so far on the DS3100's C-compiler. I am having
lots of problems with especially pointers changing value in the middle
of a loop (there are no redundant if-statements as warned for in the 
'Release Notes for RISC processors') and the last thing that happened
is :
(dbx) r
[2] stopped at [arrow_down_button:390 ,0x402694]        arrow_button2 (self, arr
(dbx) n
[arrow_down_button:391 ,0x4026a8]       }
(dbx) n

Segmentation fault [arrow_down_button:391 +0x10,0x4026b8]
(dbx) l 387:5
   387  arrow_down_button (self)
   388  sbarwindata * self;
   389  {
   390      arrow_button2 (self, arrow_down_fill,DOWN);
>* 391  }

it bombs on exit of the function. I don't do any fancy stack-fiddling,
just vanilla C, so don't blame me :-). The function is called via:


I have had numerous bugs which I haven't bothered to identify, often it
will help to introduce a global temporary variable to hold the value
and in other cases it has helped to reshuffle the code. Significant is
that in all cases its pointer-values that has been affected.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to work-around these problems. 
Has anyone encountered similar problems with 'cc' on the PMAX?  Other
problems? Do you know any workarounds?

Have Digital indicated when the cc2.0 release will be available?

Yes, I have reported my problems to service but I write to the net
with a hope of speedier relief.


Please mail responses to  jonas at softix.se  if possible.

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