Ultrix standalone backup disk

Donald J. Rainwater rainwatr at ucqais.uc.edu
Fri Jun 9 03:40:39 AEST 1989

	We've got Ultrix 3.0 installed on an 8650.  This was no small task,
since we installed 3.0 from a 2.x standalone backup RL02.  Basically, the
installation procedure ran to a point, then Ultrix support talked us thru
the rest of the procedure manually.

	What we would like to do is create a 3.0 standalone backup disk, so
we're set if we want to re-install or whatever.  Under VMS, there is a
procedure for building a standalone backup kit (SYS$UPDATE:STABACKIT.COM).
Is there something similar for Ultrix?  If not, is there any way I can
create a 3.0 standalone backup disk?

Don Rainwater, University of Cincinnati Computer Center
rainwatr at ucbeh.san.uc.edu
rainwatr at ucbeh.bitnet
rainwatr at ucqais.uc.edu

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