Tape Duplication Procedure Needed

Martin Stern stern at imagen.UUCP
Tue Mar 7 03:37:57 AEST 1989

Reply-to: stern at imagen.UUCP (Martin Stern)

Hi Everyone,
	I have a question concerning tape duplication of an Ultrix 
installation tape. I want to back up my Ultrix distribution tape
(it turns out that it wasn't bad at all !!) just in case of disaster
so i tried the following command

	%dd if=/dev/nrmt9 bs=5120 of=ddfile

and received

tape error, eof marker
0+60 records in
0+60 records out

no matter what value I chose for the blocksize, I always got a tape error
or hard error (I didn't write the error down, so I may have presented
here incorrectly...).
My question is: How do I make a backup copy of this tape ?

						Thanks in advance, (8-)

please send replies to stern at imagen...or mail to 
2650 San Tomas Expressway
Santa Clara, Calif. 95051-0953
(408) 986 - 9400

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