Changing the number of semaphores allowed to a user

Karen Petraska karen at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Wed Oct 11 00:36:15 AEST 1989

I have an instructor who is doing an operating systems class project using
semaphores.  He is reaching a limit (less than 100) on the number of 
semaphores he can allocate.  I don't know if the limit is the number of
semaphores available on the system, or if there is some artificial limit set
for each user.  Is there any way to increase this limit?  In
looking through the documentation, I didn't find any information on where or
how that limit is set, or what constrains it.

I would appreciate any help that anyone can give me.  You can reply to this
group, or reply to me personally. 

Thanks very much,

Karen Petraska, Systems
University of Maryland Baltimore County
karen at

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