How can I tame the mail11v3 ? (In n)

Hiroshi Miyazawa hiroshi at
Tue Oct 10 17:57:36 AEST 1989

In article <5020 at>,
	michaud at (Jeff Michaud) says:
>> Mail11v3 won't work unless you speak extended SMTP to it.  This means
>> you can't use mail11v3 with e.g., Berkeley sendmail.  Incidentally, the 
>> extended SMTP protocol (as far as I can tell) is also undocumented.
> 	Correct again.  I made sure to state that in the release notes.
> 	We also don't document the two extra SMTP commands (HEAD and MULT)
> 	because I didn't want to commit ourselves to those commands at this point
> 	in time.  The two extra commands only get invoked if the appropriate
> 	mailer flags are defined for the mailer.

 I've verified the behavior described above. Then I have a problem with the
new version of mail11.   I'd been applying a cheap trick to the previous
version of mail11 like follow;

	#MDmail,P=/usr/bin/mail11, F=mnsF, S=17, R=18, A=mail11 $f $x $h $u
	MDmail,P=/usr/bin/mail11F, F=mnsF, S=17, R=18, A=mail11 $f $x $h $u

 "mail11F" calls a filter program which convert the character code and pass
it to "/usr/bin/mail11" as follow;(you know, we are always suffered from many
kinds of Japanese code, it's silly !!)

	main(argc, argv)
	strcpy(cmd, "/usr/local/bin/FILTER | /usr/bin/mail11 ");

 That trick was quite good, because the previous version of mail11 could be
invoked directry from shell.   However the mail11v3 can get the recipient's
name only from the header part of message, and that action (i.e. MULT, HEAD
mode) should be designated by the ULTRIX's sendmail with "H" flag.
 As a result, I've found that it's difficult to apply such trick to mail11v3.
So, I've tried to make an alternate operation like;

	MDmail,	P=/bin/mailF, F=sFDMmn, S=17, R=18, A=mail $h::$u

 "mailF" converts the input data as same as "mail11F" and pass it to /bin/mail,
which can transfer the message to mail11v3 in MULT & HEAD mode. (of course,
there should be generated one more process)
 Certainly, the converted message can be sent to VAX/VMS, but I've got another
problem.  The original sender address was replaced by the "Daemon".

 Does anyone know there is some otion of mail11v3 to designate the MULT and
HEAD mode or there is some option of mail to force the sender address ?.

 I appreciate any of your suggestion.


Hiroshi Miyazawa			hiroshi at
CAD Dep. Semiconductor Grp. SONY Corp. at
4-14-1 Asahi, Atsugi, Kanagawa Japan	Tel: (+80) 0462-30-5341

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