lint problem, Ultrix 4.1, DECstation 5000

Rusty Wright rusty at belch.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Dec 10 08:49:02 AEST 1990

The following code, when run through lint (1) elicits no complaints
about varx being unused and (2) complains that func2 returns a value
that is always ignored.  These all seem to be errors on lint's behalf.
Here is the output of lint:

name defined but never used
    func1   	fluff.c(2)
function returns value which is always ignored

For comparison, here is the output from lint on a SPARCstation running
SunOS 4.1:

fluff.c(4): warning: varx unused in function func1
func1 defined( fluff.c(2) ), but never used

Does anybody know if there is a better lint available from the folks
in Atlanta or what the status is on getting this fixed?

func1() {
	extern int	getpid();
	int		varx;

	(void) getpid();

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