color X server(Xcfb) for DECstation uses up 128 colors

Dirk Grunwald grunwald at
Sat Feb 24 06:18:08 AEST 1990

I don't think that

	XSessionManager*initializeDPS:	False

is going to fix it. I've noticed this problem & I'm running X11R4
clients on a UWS2.2 server, none of which initialize the DPS

However, I do use DPS applications - I made xtex use DPS to display
\psfig specials in TeX files. At first, I created&destroyed a context
for each DPS picture. Now, I reuse a single context per xtex window -
this has cut down on the bloat somewhat, but not enough.

IMHO, if DEC would like to people to use/develop DPS applications and
spread the fame of DEC products, they would make a new Xmfb and Xcfb
available for the DECstations via anonymous FTP or netmail. Likewise
for the VAXstation if they suffer from this bloat as well. The current
situation certainly precludes my using it on a daily basis.

Dirk Grunwald -- Univ. of Colorado at Boulder	(grunwald at
						(grunwald at

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