DS3100 Login problems

Ian! D. Allen [CGL] idallen at watcgl.waterloo.edu
Sat Jul 21 08:50:20 AEST 1990

>There was also a suggestion that there was a timer that counts the time
>between typing the user name and password that denies access if the time
>is too long.

Here's what I said last March:

>From idallen Sat Mar 31 02:53:46 1990
To: comp.unix.ultrix

This binary:

    ULTBASE031.inv:0000     68608   15096   0       0       104755  5/2/89
        031    f ./usr/bin/login none    ULTBASE031

presumably made from this Ultrix 3.1 source:

    static char *sccsid = "@(#)login.c      9.5    (ULTRIX)        5/1/89";

This change:

 *      029 - Gary A. Gaudet. Fri Apr 21 21:57:43 EDT 1989
 *              Added unbuffered stdin, cyphered name and password,
 *              and bzero buffer, for -P.

is wrong.  It unbuffers stdin between two fgets() calls, causing
pending stuff to be lost and Xprompter to fail.  Putting a call to
setbuf() to do the unbuffering before the first fgets() fixes things.
-IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) idallen at watcgl.uwaterloo.ca idallen at watcgl.waterloo.edu
 []  Computer Graphics Lab/University of Waterloo/Ontario/Canada

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